Singapore remote workers want more support from employers


Many remote workers in the city-state of Singapore have voiced displeasure in the support that they have received from their employers, as evidenced by the results of Dell Technologies’ Remote Work Readiness Index. 

It showed that 16% of employees there felt that they remained ill-prepared for long-term remote work while 35% communicated concern over the continued blurring between their business and personal lives.

A significant issue that many remote workers experienced was being unable to access internal company resources in April, when Singapore entered a partial lock-down. 

This not only affected their ability to do their work by forcing them to use unstable remote networks, but it also opened up a number of security risks for their employers as they often used personal devices to complete their work.


Remote workers also said that the issuing of productivity tools and equipment from their employers would be appreciated and help them be more effective employees. 

Being unable to communicate with others in in-person environments has also provided challenges that have been difficult to hurdle. 

Although that is something that cannot be completely overcome, employees feel that more could be done to improve the virtual communication methods that are being used.

Remote work has increased in popularity throughout the world as 2020 has progressed. 

Employees have often communicated pleasure with the increase in flexibility that they now enjoy, both in terms of when they work and where, while employers are happy with the increased productivity that they are receiving and being able to now recruit quality employees on a virtually worldwide scale.

However, as was seen in this survey from Singapore, keeping their business and personal lives separate has become a challenge for many remote workers as they tend to flip-flop between those aspects of their lives more often than they would prefer.