All Covid-19 travel requirements, including the obligation for both domestic and foreign passengers to be vaccinated, have been officially eliminated by Indonesia.
Since the reopening of international borders in February 2022, the vast majority of Covid 19 regulations have been phased out. The latest step is that international travelers are no longer required to get the Covid-19 vaccine.
The Covid-19 ongoing management in the nation has been examined, as stated in the Covid-19 Handling Task Force Circular Letter Number 1 of 2023.
The letter’s opening, which was written in Bahasa Indonesia, begins as follows: “that in order to follow up on developments in the situation of controlling the SARS-CoV-2 virus under conditions where the spread of cases in the world and Indonesia is increasingly under control.”
It continues “high public immunity, and relaxation of transportation policies in several countries as well as the results of cross-sectoral evaluations of Covid-19 control, it is necessary to adjust the control mechanism to health protocols during the endemic transition period to prevent the transmission of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).”

Many health protocols are still in force, but they are only advisory in nature. They are:
“All domestic and foreign travelers, activity actors in public facilities, and large-scale activity actors [should] still try to protect themselves personally from the transmission of Covid-19.”
The Indonesian government has the following personal safety advice:
“It is recommended to continue carrying out the Covid-19 vaccination until the second booster or fourth dose, especially for people who have a high risk of contracting Covid-19.”
“It is permissible not to use a mask if in good health and not at risk of contracting or transmitting Covid-19, and it is advisable to continue to use a mask that is properly covered if in an unwell condition or at risk of Covid-19, before and when traveling and activities in public facilities,” the Covid-19 Handling Task Force also states in the Circular Letter.
Finally, they say, “It is advisable to keep hand sanitizer with you and/or use soap and running water to wash your hands regularly, especially if they have been in contact with objects that are used together.”
To be clear, tourists who are unvaccinated are now allowed to enter Indonesia and to travel within Indonesia.
In the same way, unvaccinated citizens are allowed to fly within the nation.
This is huge news for international travelers who have been waiting for the vaccination requirement to be scrapped in order to book their visit to Bali.
This also means that airlines won’t be checking vaccination status at the point of departure.