LinkedIn Data Shows Fully Remote Job Listings Are On A Decline

LinkedIn Data Shows Fully Remote Job Listings Are On A Decline

Recent LinkedIn research reveals a 48% decrease in remote job postings. 

The data pertains to year-over-year information of Irish employers, specifically from the month of April.

About one in ten jobs offered online today is a remote-only job.

Despite this, hybrid jobs are still frequently offered on Irish websites.

In comparison to other EMEA nations, Ireland actually has roughly 9% more job postings for hybrid or remote work. 

Simferopol, Crimea – May 25, 2014: LinkedIn is a social network for search and establishment of business contacts. It is founded in 2002.

The HR Suite’s managing director, Caroline Reidy, claims that demand for remote employment is still quite high. 

“A lot of roles now are operating hybrid. We still see, overall, a huge appetite for jobs that can offer hybrid.”

“People if they don’t get the option for flexibility both in terms of hours and have remote or hybrid, they will look for alternative employment.”

“Employees have embraced remote because of the benefits it brings.”

“Even at the moment, with the lovely fine weather, it’s fabulous that people can finish work and enjoy the rest of their day.”