“Cancun Is Full Of Americans” Despite The Travel Warnings, Said Mexican President

“Cancun Is Full Of Americans” Despite The Travel Warnings, Said Mexican President

“Cancun is full of Americans,” boasted President Andrés Manuel López Obrador following the travel warnings issued by the U.S. State Department due to violence in 30 Mexican states.

In the morning press conference and before businessmen at the Communications Council, he said that federal crimes were down 30 percent and intentional homicides were down 11.6 percent.

“Most homicides, 70 percent, are related to organized crime, so we do not accept when foreign lawmakers say you can not visit Mexico, right?” He reiterated.

“The State Department has banned 30 of our 32 states, but the country is full of Americans. Quintana Roo, Cancun is full of Americans, that is, the reality is quite different.” He stressed.

The president said that another crime that has decreased is kidnapping with 64 percent less, “we have managed to lower this a lot.”

The President also boasts the figures of his government

“We have already left behind the crisis that caused the pandemic and the country is on the rise economically, it is growing, and there is financial stability. Mexico is one of the most attractive countries in the world for investment, there is a lot of foreign investment coming in, the trade agreement is helping us a lot and we estimate that there will be growth and we do not see any economic or financial crisis coming our way.” he assured.

He pointed out that the country is “even withstanding external factors like inflation and some bank failures in other countries.” The president said that measures are being taken against inflation, which is already declining. For this reason, he recalled that on April 5, in a videoconference with 10 Latin American presidents, measures will be coordinated so that there is no shortage of food.

At the Ministry of Finance of the National Palace, he said that the number of jobs registered with the IMSS is 21 million 760 thousand formal jobs. The average monthly wage is higher than ever, at 16 thousand pesos.

“This is also unique, the peso has become stronger, it has not devalued for the first time in more than 50 years, on the contrary, it has strengthened, it is the currency that has become the strongest in the world in relation to the dollar,” he explained.